AJ had a busy day today – we took out his urine catheter, removed his arterial line, removed his PIV, came off of the ventilator, stopped the fentanyl, and is currently working on his first feeding since Thursday night. He’s sat up here and there and is happy to be able to move again, but definitely is still tired and a little sore. His only pain med currently though is IV Tylenol, so he’s definitely a trooper and taking this better than I would!

He has three days of IV antibiotics for post op as a prophylactic (fancy word for preventative). Hopefully after that his PICC line will come out.
He’s puffy from the IV fluids, and one of the fun side effects of his procedure is the amount of drool he has. He slobbers more than a Saint Bernard right now!

He was super happy today to get a new bear delivered courtesy of a friend we made out here at CHOP during his stay for his Glenn. It has the same texture of one of his favorite blankets (that mom failed to bring), and he grabbed it and nuzzled it right away. 💕
All in all he’s not back to his normal happy self, but he’s certainly working his way there. And we definitely don’t mind the extra cuddles.
Thank you in advance for all the love, thoughts, prayers etc. definitely not out of the woods, but certainly feeling a little better about everything moment to moment!