The last few days we’ve all been giving the new sewing machine I got for my birthday a run for its money!

Some people use gauze around their kids gtubes. It works, but for us we like to use gtube pads made from fun fabrics and absorbant materials – we wash and reuse them like crazy – sometimes keeping a small piece of gauze under them too.
Instead of ordering more from Etsy (or reaching out to the amazing church folks who gave us a bunch around a year ago), I decided that my first project for sewing since high school was going to be figuring out how to make them myself. And then in true “us” fashion decided to make far more than we need so we can gift and donate some!

Everyone has been working on them — Averie, Aaron, Amy… and myself too. The first few were a little questionable – and will be kept for us 😂, but they’re getting better as we go!
Anyway – if you have fabric scraps you want to send our way or if you want the pattern and instructions let me know. Or if you know someone that could use them.