This kid would live outdoors if he could! All day he’s been demanding to be outdoors, even getting up at his walker and walking to the door, requesting to go out.
He spent his morning in the backyard, playing on the play set and crawling through mud before going on a walk in his stroller with Averie and Daddy.

This afternoon he went on a walk with his walker, leaving the front door of our house, walking the road and alley to circle around to the backyard, and then walking through the grass back to the front.
Then he went for his first ever bike ride – which is a lot of work for daddy, who gets to tow not only AJ, but also his emergency bag and oxygen concentrator.

He still had a tantrum when it was time to come in. The rest of us are all ready for a nap and he’s trying to figure out how to escape out the front door again.