Remember when you learned how to read itemized hospital billing statements in school? Wait, what? Pretty sure none of us did that… or at least, very few.
I am absolutely thankful that we have this insurance, don’t get me wrong. But there are some weeks where getting the paperwork figured out could easily be a full time job, and right now I just want to vent.
This stuff is insane.
Currently we are trying to resolve claims for the nine inpatient stays AJ has had thus far this year.
Yes, nine.

Each claim is 10 pages worth of documentation.
But wait! There’s more! (I hope you read that in a cheesy informercial voice).
I forgot to mention that I have to do all of this twice. Once for each set of coverages.
I know you didn’t come here for math, even if it’s simple, so I’ll do it for you.
That makes 180 pages of insurance documentation.

Super exciting stuff for a Friday night, right?!
To say I’m over it would be an understatement. And that’s coming from the girl who loves spreadsheets and organization. And don’t get me started on the Medicaid paperwork!
The best advice I can offer anyone in this situation is to organize the details like crazy, because it’s inevitable that the one time you don’t, something will get messed up and you’ll regret it.
I keep an excel sheet to track dates and claim numbers, how much we expect to be paid, how much was actually paid, and a box for the notes.
And maybe a glass of wine wouldn’t be a bad idea either…

So cheers to any other parents who might be doing paperwork at 10 PM on a Friday night!