If you’re wondering what kind of things AJ likes, or want to know what to get him as a gift, you can count on him enjoying things that any other four year old likely enjoys.
He loves to go to the park. The swing and the slides are his favorite, but he also loves climbing. He wants to be outside. All. The. Time. I have no idea how we are going to get through this winter!
His trampoline is his favorite place to hang out and he loves playing “music” on the piano. He also loves dancing to any music that has a good beat.

He loves trucks and balls, and building forts that he can read books in.
And of course he loves watching his favorite characters on you tube — Peppa Pig, Mickey Mouse, Sesame Street, and of course Blippi.
He thinks chasing, tackling and wrestling are fun, and never lets a moment where you’re sitting on the floor go without taking the opportunity to climb on you.
He even thinks burps, farts and all other manner of body noises are hilarious.
Definitely not so different from other kids his age….