These two fill my heart with so much love. I’m so proud to call them both my kiddos. I don’t think I could have asked for two more perfect kiddos for our family. 💕
Averie got to come up to the hospital tonight so we could all hang out as a family. While we were there she got to help feed AJ, read him a story, get him dressed, take his temp, and even got to help give him some of his meds in his feeding tube. I love her being able to take part and help out, and I love even more that she wants to do so. The only thing she really didn’t want to do today was put on the gown and gloves for contact precautions. Not that I blame her, we’re all pretty sick of that.

After the hospital we left AJ with daddy and Averie and I went out for pancakes, then for some reason I thought it would be smart to teach her a new song, so she proceeded to sing John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt at the top of her lungs on the whole ride home. Sometimes I’m a glutton for punishment. 😊

Anyway, it was great to spend today with both of my kiddos, and I want to make sure we wish a happy Mother’s Day to all of my friends with babies — both here on earth and in heaven.