Today is a big day for AJ.
His whole life has been spent in ICUs – PICU at U of I and CICU at CHOP.
Today AJ moved to the general pediatric inpatient floor, which is a BIG step toward going home. Yes, home. We are finally working on that being our next big goal. AJs next big thing is not another surgery. Not another cath. Not another test, but home.

There’s a lot to be done before we get there, not only do we have to have nursing lined up, but the house has to be ready for AJ and his nurses to go home – lots of cleaning, purging and organizing medical supplies is in store for our near future. Which we are so happy to embrace, because more than anything, we want this (not quite so) little guy to come home.

Anyway, hooray for big steps forward, and here’s to the next big thing eventually coming our way!