New Tricks for AJ

I haven’t posted videos of AJs progress lately. He’s been working on a lot of skills, many of them social. Here’s a few of his newest/favorite tricks. Most of these videos he was either only just awake, or ready for a nap, so you’ll have to excuse his tired face. 💕

Waving hi, clapping, trying to bounce, giving fives, denying – and eventually giving – incredibly wet puppy kisses, bearing weight on his feet, rolling with a target in mind (there’s a toy under that boppy) and playing games like peek-a-boo.

We’re also working on sitting, stretching his legs out so he’s not so “frog legged”, some simple sign language, army crawling, putting things into buckets, “so big” without needing to hold someone’s hands, and of course, eating – stretching out his cheeks and improving his tongue movement. Oh. And less wet kisses, let’s not forget that one. 😂

Our days may be busy, full of nurses, doctors and therapists, but to see how proud of himself he is when he learns a new trick and how excited he is to do it again and again is totally worth it.