Hardest thing I’ve done to date? Tucking my kiddo in for bed the night before surgery.

He had his bath, was full of happy naked baby smiles, rolling all over. Then got him dressed and tucked him in with patting, kisses and lots of love… Knowing full well that this time tomorrow will be very, very different – God willing we will still be able to kiss his head and tell him goodnight though.

Today’s been full of lots of snuggles, cuddles and play time. Sitting, rolling and blowing raspberries on his tummy. Walking out of his room tonight so we could go attempt for a few hours to nap was so incredibly hard. And clearly, napping isn’t coming easy either. In some ways I almost wish I could be blindsided by this one like we were for the last. Numb and in shock. This time we’ve had months to come to terms with the fact that we’d be doing it all over again.

I don’t have a lot of words today (that’ll shock a few of you I know), but if you have prayers to spare, we could really use them. AJ will be taken down to anesthesia around 830 am eastern time. We haven’t had a sit down with his surgeon yet, but typically it’s a 4-6 hour procedure. Please say a prayer or two… Think happy thoughts and keep this little guy in your hearts tomorrow morning.