We weren’t functional enough this morning to make the HADSA picnic, but we were able to get ourselves together in time to make it to the Blues festival in North Liberty.

AJ loved the bouncy “house” and danced to the music (when he wasn’t trying to escape and make new friends)

Averie enjoyed the “rock” climbing equipment and the kids activities (just don’t ask her about how her “minute to win it” challenge went)
A gentleman that was seated behind us about made me cry when he approached me in between sets to let me know that he was happy to see AJ, that he seemed to really be enjoying himself, and that he could appreciate how much it obviously takes for us to get him out of the house. Ironically the only thing I could think of after he said it was how put together we were today and that it was a pretty calm outing.
It was a strong reminder of how far we’ve come since bringing him home.