Observing Averie

I’m a facebook over-sharer.  Anytime Averie does something cute, I think ‘I should put that on my facebook.

I have a blog.  I have a place to write all kinds of random things that Averie does.   You’re already here, I’m not going to bother to link that one…

I tweet.  Sometimes.  Sometimes I forget about twitter.  But fact of the matter is, I am perfectly capable of tweeting.

And when I need to vent – I text more than call, so there’s a running commentary readily available on my phone.


But for some reason, being asked to document observations about Averie for her Home Observation form for preschool stopped me in my tracks.

Document what?  I can’t think of anything to document!

The paper says to give examples of her taking care of her needs, following expectations and routines and establishing positive relationships….

Aaron said, “I’m just going to write down that she’s three, and she acts like it…”

This shouldn’t be that hard of a homework assignment for me, the over-documenting, over-sharing person who pretty much has a daily record of everything her kid says and does….

I did fill the sheet up, but I feel like I did it “wrong”.  I just went through my facebook and blog and tried to write down as many things as were seemingly relevant.

Now, on the other hand…  Averie was sent home with a stuffed animal for sharing again, and we can’t find it anywhere.  Only her second homework assignment and we’re already going to be using the “cat must have ate it” excuse!  Argh!!