This afternoon I dropped off one incredibly excited 7 year old at camp wapsie. Last year she went for a half week and when I came to pick her up she pleaded to me to please let her go for a full week next year.

With everything going on this year, we weren’t sure how we were going to make ends meet to send her along. In the end? We didn’t make ends meet on our own.
Averie asked for camp money from everyone for her birthday and sold off some of her things in garage sales and did chores at home and other people’s homes to raise half of the funds, under the agreement that mom and dad would pay the other half. She passed her half of the funds goal by about $50 and used the extra funds to buy a fun themed outfit for luau week at camp and a new rain jacket to pack.

As for the rest of the funds, the awesome folks at Erika Kate Hope Alliancechipped in to help us make ends meet.
The heart community is truly amazing, and having the EKHA folks pitch in to help was an absolute blessing. I don’t think we can ever say thank you enough. If you have a minute to spare I suggest checking out their page and their mission.
It’s easy to lose track of how much things that are going on impact the siblings of these kiddos. We have an incredibly perceptive and smart kiddo who has mostly absorbed and taken things in – sometimes better than we have. She’s taken things in with such a positive attitude and has lived in fear of things that I don’t think any 6-7 year old should have to even think about.

This week at camp is a big deal for her. A taste of “normalcy”, of promises that we’ve been able to keep from before all of this started, and positive adventures to be had in the middle of all of this craziness.
To say she was excited and happy is an understatement. To say we are all thankful for the opportunity and help is an understatement too. 💕💕