One Year Trach-iversary

A year ago today AJ had his trach and gtube placed.

I remember the thoughts that went through my head that day about whether or not we were making the right decision, maybe we should give him one more try at extubating first, and so terrified about what our lives would be like.

I sat in the van from Ronald McDonald house with a lot of parents whose babies had trachs. CHOP had a lengthy training course. And if you had a vent, it was even longer.

I spent much of my time in Facebook groups for parents of kids with trachs, and every one of them practically said the same thing – that it was “the best thing they’ve ever done” for their kid.

A year later? I’m now one of those parents.

The trach life isn’t easy. In fact, some moments it makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. But without it? We now know that AJ wouldn’t have had success with another extubation – between his airway being nearly closed and vocal chords being paralyzed. And he wouldn’t have been able to learn to roll over, sit up, play with toys… and most importantly? We would have never known how full of love and happy our little AJ was nor been able to go home.

I’m not doing the whole series of November thankful posts, but I am doing one today. And today, I’m thankful for all the medical folks who suggested a trach, helped train us, and helped care for AJ while inpatient and now at home too. And the non-medical folks who have stepped up to learn and help out with his suctioning and everyday cares. We absolutely couldn’t do this without you. 💕