Painting Project – Name Wall Hanging

Averie still had  a canvas left from her birthday party, so as I was cleaning up the craft area in the basement, I tried to think of something for her to do.  Aaron had snagged me a BUNCH of sticker paper, and it was sitting in a neat stack, right next to my cricut.  It’s almost like it was a sign!

I used the storybook cartridge and cut out her name to fit on the canvas.  Averie also picked out a butterfly from the breast cancer awareness cartridge that we had.  We got the stickers on and handed her two simple colors of paint so it would match her bedroom, and so it didn’t get all muddy and brown!

Averie had a blast painting.  She gets excited anytime the art supplies come out, and even more excited when she gets to hang out in the basement.

The sticker paper stayed down pretty well — I imagine that if you used vinyl or something a little stickier that it would stay down better.  We had a few spots where she managed to slide some paint under the sticker – but I think it just added character.  It looks perfect to me!!

I couldn’t get a ‘normal’ picture of her after — it’s getting harder and harder to get her to just sit still and smile.  I think maybe she’s just out of practice.  I’m going to have to bust out the camera a little more often I think!!

We still have more canvases left, and I’m thinking we might repeat this and make some three smaller 8×10 canvases that say ‘Peace’, ‘Love’, and ‘Hope’ on them or something along those lines to hang up in the house this winter!

3 thoughts on “Painting Project – Name Wall Hanging

  1. I love that, think I will have Ryley do that! Might have to peek at your cartridges 😉 also where did you get the sticker paper from? I have Vinyl but not sure it would be sticky enough on canvas!

    1. I think our vinyl that we have is actually ‘stickier’ than the sticker paper — Aaron got it from work, but you can buy it — or you could probably just use contact paper? The contact paper I have is actualyl probably more sticky than the vinyl and sticker paper I think!

      And you’re welcome to snoop through my cartridges anytime! Most weeks they aren’t being used anyway!

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