Passed Swallow Study

AJ passed his swallow study on all consistencies with flying colors! That meant today he got to have his first bottle. He wasn’t so sure about it at first, and I think mom wore more than he drank initially (he’d get it in his mouth, swallow some, and blow raspberries and bubbles with the rest). But… Eventually he succumbed and did a decent job at it, though he definitely needs more practice! He ended up taking a little under half an ounce by mouth today. And then he passed out. Hard. For almost 3 hours. Eating is sure hard work! We will keep giving him 5 minutes worth of eating by mouth every day until he gets better at it.

Image may contain: one or more people
Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, people sleeping and baby

Even if it was a little different than feeding an average kid (I had to stop and suction him once), it was nice to be able to get one step closer to something “normal” today. Holding him and feeding him is something I haven’t done since the day he was born before we knew about his heart problems. 💕

Image may contain: people sleeping, baby and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, baby