PICC Line #2

I showed up tonight as the staff here were putting a PICC line in.

Thankfully this time was far less eventful than last time. Last time he had a PICC line put in his BP crashed and when we came back we were questioned about our preferences for CPR, etc. Not one of our better days!

Anyway…. Back to today… AJ spiked a fever today and was struggling with breathing too fast, so they started him on antibiotics on an IV, then put in the PICC, kicked off some cultures, and upped his respiratory support.

He’s had fevers before, though they turned out to be nothing. He’s just like his daddy and is a little furnace. This time is definitely different though. He truly looks miserable, and this is apparently much better than he was earlier.

Even a common cold can be seriously problematic for this little guy, which is why we’re pretty cautious about who comes up during cold and flu season and make sure everyone’s shots are up to date.

Cross your fingers and say your prayers that this bug or whatever it is that he has is short lived, nothing too serious and he’s back to his version of full speed again soon. 💕

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