We are post procedure, and they determined that ultimately there is nothing (additional) wrong with his heart. Everything with his heart and the repair look good. The only concern is there’s actually slightly more blood going to his lungs than necessary, but it’s not something that would be causing his lower saturations.

The best guess at this point is it being related to him just needing more strength or lung disease in general. They’re going to look for him to have a steady weight and keeping working on strengthening him up. It has been a bit of time, so it’s possible they’ll try extubation early next week… Or they could opt to wait a while longer. It’s up in the air and dependent on how he’s doing.
Meanwhile we are watching his leg where the catheter went in as he did have a blood clot there post procedure and his leg was a pretty dark shade of purple. It’s since returned largely to its normal color but still not quite there, hoping it’s resolved itself largely by morning. He’s already being treated for blood clots and they’re going to most likely test him for clotting disorders since he’s had multiples.
Thank you for all the prayers so far, and please keep them coming!!