Post Op Update

Just a quick peek at AJ post op last night. He’s being kept as comfy as possible, but more than anything he just wants to roll around and get all the tubes and wires off of him!

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His chest tube has largely stopped draining, however we will leave it in to make sure he doesn’t start to develop chylous again once he’s back up to eating.

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Aside from that, today’s goal is “just” a matter of getting his respiratory support weaned back down toward his normal baseline settings.

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I tossed in a few pictures of all the machines and monitors too, just for good measure.

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Photo credits go to Aaron – these are the ones that he sent me in the middle of the night to ease my mind, I laid down just before midnight and he kept later hours so I could sleep – and considering how little I slept the night before, it was absolutely needed.

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Thank you all for your continued prayers!! 💕