Preschool Graduation

Someone please stop time for me.  PLEASE!?

My little girl graduated from preschool last week.  It can’t be almost time for kindergarten already, can it?!



She was so proud of herself, and I was so stinkin’ proud of her.  She’s grown so much in the last two years of school, and we’re going to miss her preschool teacher dearly!  After graduation was over they had a reception.  Averie told me she needed to tell Miss Becky something, so we walked over and she thanked her for being the best teacher ever.  She also thanked the Miss Mary (their classroom helper), I believe it was thank you for always bringing me snacks or something along those lines – not entirely positive, as I was out of earshot.

I sure hope she keeps her attitude of gratitude in the years to come.  It’s part of what makes her so special.  Here’s to moving forward and on to *gulp* Kindergarten!