Returned Home. Again!

Well….. we are home! (Okay, so this picture was in Fairfax during Averie’s softball game tonight, but close enough!)

His scope on Tuesday went okay – the dilation that they did on Friday (4 days prior) had held up and looked good. Dr Jacobs dilated more aggressively Tuesday, and wants to see us back at the end of June for what will likely be another dilation and possibly kenalog (steroid) injections. That will be trip number three for the year, and I have a feeling we aren’t going to be done there.

It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going “wrong” right now, but the reality is that he is happy. He doesn’t care that he has a trach, or that he can’t talk. In fact, sometimes I think he finds it funny that his mom has to crawl through the playground tunnels with him, hauling the oxygen concentrator.  He definitely knows how to enjoy each moment!