Reverse Trick or Treat Download

AJ has oral aversion. He is physically capable of eating things by mouth, but he gags when he tries, which is why he is still considered gtube dependent. We came up with the idea of reverse trick or treating just for him.

We could have simply taken him out trick or treating and pocketed the candy ourselves, but last year I was participating in #last90days and I had decided to give up sweets. Having a pile of candy in the house wouldn’t have been a wise idea.

We decided that AJ would still get the fun of going door to door, but instead of getting treats, he would be giving them out.

We created some printable cards that had a cute poem about the idea of reverse trick or treating on the front. On the back we included another poem and an image that showed how to sign “Thank You”

People were initially a little confused, but it went over really well. It was really amazing to see AJ getting to interact with others in the community and even giving them the ability to sign back to him.

The kids in their costumes from last year

This year we plan to do it again, but after being asked by so many people last year, we also wanted to share a copy of the printable file with others who may be able to use them.

We reached out to Brad at 35 Corks Art Studio who makes the most AMAZING clip art for ASL signs. Not only did he give the green light to share, but he updated the image to incorporate AJ’s costume this year. Also, credit needs to be given to Melissa at Dorky Doodles who made the festive banners.

(Spoiler Alert: he and Averie are going as Addams family characters)

Inside of the file there are three different options for the front card, also per request from some of our friends.

  1. I can’t speak to tell you that I’m not able to eat, but I sure do love to reverse trick or treat!
  2. I can’t speak to tell you that I don’t like to eat, but I sure do love to reverse trick or treat!
  3. We enjoy dressing up and wanted to do something neat, so we are here to reverse trick or treat!

The cards are sized and spaced so they can be printed on the front/back if desired.

To download a printable copy, click here.