Self-care Fail

So… yesterday I went in to get my busted tooth looked at. I broke it when I was pregnant with AJ, and with everything else going on it just fell by the wayside. Last week it finally started hurting, so off I went. First to the dentist, who then quickly shipped me off to the oral surgeon later that afternoon. Thankfully everything went smoothly, and although I’m in a little pain, it’s far less pain than I went in with. And really, I like any good excuse to eat pudding and icecream for dinner. 🙂

Now I’m home recovering and watching the thunder and lightening outside. Something tells me we’ll have quite a bit of snow out there when I finally the desire to get up and look. Hoping that I’ll be able to get back up to Iowa City tomorrow at least to see my little man!

Aaron spent yesterday at the hospital (up until he had to come hang out and wait for my procedure and pick up my anesthisized self). AJ has been improving as he’s finished up his last doses of antibiotics and has been on increased diuretics. Last I knew we were at room air and starting the process of weaning the vent settings back down (I’ll be calling to check in again this morning once I can feel my face again :))

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Here’s to hoping we can get those vent settings dialed back down! Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers. I really do believe that everyone’s well wishes have helped bring us this far. <3