Sesame Place with a Trach and Oxygen

Confession: I was hesitant to take AJ to Sesame Place. I wasn’t sure he would really enjoy it or that it would be worth the cost considering he can’t ride any rides (except the carousel), or go into the water.

Reality: He absolutely loved it. The pictures say it all. And there are a lot of pictures.

They truly go above and beyond to accommodate the kids who need it, and I’m incredibly glad we were able to go today! Between skipping lines for photos, having special seating, and the characters including him – even during the parades and shows – he was a happy boy. He didn’t even cry at the shows when everyone clapped. 

We met another couple of families with children who also have Down Syndrome, who were veterans and incredibly helpful. The caricature artist even included his trach in her drawing, which I think is pretty amazing.

He was so happy to see all his favorite friends that he didn’t even notice that there were water rides that he didn’t get to go on.

Tomorrow he heads in for his scope. Considering he technically coded on Monday when he pulled his trach out, we are not expecting great news. Definitely praying for our doctor and hoping he is able to determine the best next steps to take!