Sewer Line Collapse

It’s been a bit since I’ve posted an update. Things have been a little hectic.

A couple days ago our sewer started to back up into our basement. We did our best to get things moved out of the way – wet things out of the house, other things to the high corners of the room or upstairs, but a lot got wet while we worked with insurance, plumbers and mitigation to try to get things in gear.

Image may contain: one or more people and indoor

Not quite the worst of it, but you can see where we moved stuff to try to save it. The “blanket” on the floor was left there by Averie the night before (its Aarons robe – he’s gonna need a new one!)

Thankfully we were able to get the drains cleared out, but unfortunately we have a lot of work that is going to need to be done due to the fact that the water got into the walls and wood and everything down there just needing to be cleaned in general. Especially since this was from the sewer line. Which means there’s all kinds of nastiness and germs and bad things that were coming up with that waste water. And it’s bad enough for any normal human being, nevermind AJ, who is much more susceptible to those things being in the air. We are on a quick timeline to get things cleared out before mold etc starts to grown. Which is going to include tearing out walls etc as well. 😢

We’ve also learned that our sewer line is orangeburg. And it’s in bad shape. Which means we need to dig up our yard and replace the whole line. We can’t put this off and risk having continued flooding issues that put AJ (and the rest of us) at risk, so we are waiting on an estimate.

Anyone with free time want to come help us move some plants in the yard, let us know. 😢

In other news. AJ is home from his last hospital stay and doing much better. I can’t seem to shake the mess of a cough I have but it’s finally seeming better, so hoping we are maybe making progress!

AJ has been working on learning more signs and following verbal directions. Also working on eating more by mouth and learning to put weight on his legs and building up more of his core strength and his butt muscles! He’s getting really good at sitting, though he still has interesting methods of getting out of sitting.

Still no word on plans for his airway reconstruction but we’ll be chasing down the team out at CHOP soon.

Anyway – we definitely appreciate any thoughts and prayers (or spare hands) anyone may have as we try to get to the end of our basement and sewer line issues!