I don’t have a ton to report. We are still waiting on the official word from CHOP, hopefully sometime in the next week.

Today AJ spiked a temp and started to have a TON of thick secretions. A couple of cultures later and we confirmed he once again has enterobacter in his trach. This time we are trying a different antibiotic and hoping for the best. Normally AJ requires suctioning every 1-2 hours when he’s awake. Today he needed it at least every 30 minutes even when asleep. Poor boy. 😢

By the afternoon he was feeling a little better, just in time for his first visit with his big sister in the two months it’s been since our wedding (she had been coughing off and on ever since).

Seeing the two of them play together was amazing, he’s only recently become more interactive, and although Averie was shy at first it didn’t take her long to insist I let go of her brother so that she could help him sit instead. 💕

Please continue to pray for good news and the best plan of action possible from CHOP and that AJ kicks this bug again quickly. We need him in top shape!
Also, feel free to pray for us as we try to work out birthday plans with a little girl who is used to mommy having far more time to devote to fancy party decor… Eek! She’s already said she doesn’t care, but I hate the idea of her losing her one extra special day a year so mom and dad are going to have to figure something out!