Sitting in a Bumbo like a Big Boy!

AJ got to finally *really* sit in a bumbo seat yesterday. He sat in one before but still was a little too wobbly to really try it out. This time he lasted a good 30 minutes, discovered his toes, and was incredibly happy. 💕 

Unfortunately this chunky monkey isn’t going to fit in there much longer!

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and baby

This weekend we’re gathering some friends and family to help us get the house ready for AJs eventual homecoming. After having been sick and pregnant for a year followed by being mostly away from home for 10 months, the place is a little overrun and neglected all at once. If you didn’t get the information about coming to help and want to pitch in, send me a message.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and baby

One of the big changes at our house is no more kitties. Moxie and Shanny have temporarily gone to live with Grandma Janet. It’ll be weird not having those crazy fur balls running around, but we don’t want to risk bringing AJ home only to have him react negatively to the cats and having to bring him back.

We don’t have any go home dates figured out, or nursing lined up (we are told they are interviewing though) but the very last thing we want is to get the green light and not have the house ready.

Image may contain: 1 person, baby

In other big news, we’ve been working to see how much of a day AJ can spend off the vent. Currently he’s up to 15 hours, tonight we are aiming for 16. If we can go home without a vent we will definitely celebrate! It should help make finding nursing a little easier too.