Splash a Smile of Color ‘Run’

We did it!  Averie and I finished up our first 5k together!

Before the Race - Still Clean
Before the Race – Still Clean

I’m so proud of my girl – she walked/ran the whole thing with me as well as to and from the car AND still had a big giant smile on her face when it was time to go.  I’m pretty sure the whole 5k took us an hour at least, but we had fun, and were definitely super colorful by the time we finished!

The giggles she had when throwing color at complete strangers were priceless!
The giggles she had when throwing color at complete strangers were priceless!
And yes, I encouraged her to lie down and play in it!
And yes, I encouraged her to lie down and play in it!

We even ran into a few friends along the way, so Averie had someone to play with at the back of the pack.

Definitely is something I would do again.  Truthfully, the cleanup wasn’t that bad either – although I think it might have been one of the longest showers EVER for both of us!

The Aftermath
The Aftermath

I did take a video at the end – I actually took one that was amazing — and then I realized that the camera was still set to ‘picture’ mode instead of ‘video’.  So this is actually the second attempt, and she doesn’t seem nearly as excited as she was for the first.  Oops! It’s hard to operate a touchscreen with all that color on your hands!