We’ve had a busy day of tests and have talked to more Drs than I know what to do with. I was discharged from St Lukes this morning, 22 hours after delivery, and it seems like weeks ago with as much has been going on. We don’t have many definitive answers yet since we are still waiting on more test results but we do know that AJ will need to undergo a series of three surgeries to correct his heart defects, and it’s estimated he will be here in Iowa City for a while. The first surgery usually happens around 10 days old. He is being kept sedated and on the ventilator to keep his oxygen levels appropriate for his heart.

A lot of people have been asking what they can do to help and the biggest thing you can do for us is just to pray. A lot. We could definitely use the prayers. If you want – please don’t feel obligated, but a friend of ours set up a fundraising page for us as well here: http://m.gofund.me/m43qcu5k

There is so much going on right now, please don’t be upset if we don’t answer immediately to messages or phone calls. And know that we do seriously appreciate every single prayer and happy thought. Hopefully we can wrap our heads around this all soon and find some balance of normalcy, but for now, things are just a little crazy.