Stroke… (Back to the Hospital)

So. After 48 hours at home, Aaron left to run a couple errands and pick up his truck from the hospital when I noticed that AJ wasn’t moving his left side really.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and people sleeping

A quick call to cardiology and a drive in to the ER later it didn’t take long to confirm what I had originally thought, our little fella had a stroke.

After MRIs and CT scans and an Echo we know that the clot that was hanging out in his heart is no longer there, but a chunk of it is in his brain. It’s not occlusive, so there is some blood flow still.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping, eyeglasses and closeup

Currently we are in the PICU waiting for a 72 hour watch on his swelling before we will start to look at transferring back downstairs so we can look for what’s next. The only change we’ve made medically is upping his blood thinners.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping and closeup

AJ still isn’t moving his left side much, if at all. He’s super tired and sleeps a lot. And he has a crooked smile, but it’s a smile just the same.

Image may contain: 1 person, sleeping, baby and closeup

We could definitely use some prayers that the clot resolves itself and that he’s able to overcome as much of this as possible. He’s such a fighter, I know he will be his happy self no matter what, but I sure miss my playful baby. 💔