“Suffering” – Down Syndrome Awareness Month – Day 16.

I don’t have Down syndrome. I think that’s a pretty well known fact, and AJ isn’t really old enough to understand and express his thoughts on this topic yet either.

Suffering Down Syndrome Awareness Month Day 16

Please don't say that someone suffers from Down syndrome. Having Down syndrome itself does not cause suffering. In fact, the majority of people with Down syndrome report that they are happy with their lives.

I am, however, pretty deeply engrossed in a support network full of people who ARE able to speak to this.

I have friends whose kids have grown into adults with Down syndrome. I have friends who are parents of teenagers and college students. I have friends who have Down syndrome themselves.

Those older children and adults can speak for themselves, and they often do. They are my absolute favorite posts to see in my newsfeed and some of the best conversations I have had over coffee in my entire life.

Nobody is trying to say that people with Down syndrome don’t suffer at all, but rather that they suffer from other things things that most people can relate to.

They may suffer with depression or anxiety. They may suffer due to health concerns such as hypertension or a bad hip. They may suffer due to a lack of resources and support….

…but people don’t suffer simply for having Down syndrome itself.