Thankful doesn’t begin to cover how I feel as a medical mama…

I believe in the power of gratitude. My mindset is wholly different on those days when I take the time to write out five things I’m thankful for each day. I love Thanksgiving, because it brings that gratitude to my social media feeds.

Right now, everyone is sharing what they’re thankful for – their kids, spouses, extended family, jobs… And yes, I’m thankful for all of those things too, but I also have a slightly different list.

So here’s my list of my five things I’m grateful for today:

1. My Husbands Patience

Holy. Crap. I’m not fun to deal with on a daily basis – especially when I get car sick and we are on track to spend over 50 hours together crammed into the car with both kids and all of the supplies we need to keep them alive and clothed for a week.

Photo Credit: Monroe+Co

I also know I’m not fun when I’m running on multiple nights of no sleep and just want the house picked up, because cleaning the house is one of the only thing that I feel like we can control at that moment.

He deserves some kind of an award for putting up with me, especially on those days of 2749 item long to-do lists.

(And you thought this was going to be about his patience for the kids. Ha!)

2. The love my kids have for each other

Averie has every reason under the sun to be angry at how her brothers entrance into her world changed everything she knew as normal into something entirely different.

Photo Credit: Monroe+Co

Instead, she loves him with more heart than anyone I’ve ever seen – sharing her favorite toys, learning how to do his medical cares, and taking it upon herself to help him work on his PT and OT goals.

And he loves her right back. Even when she’s bossy and sounds a lot like her momma…

3. Safe and reliable transportation

This one seems a little out of place, but fact is that we are wrapping up our fifth road trip to Philadelphia as I type this.

We’ve put over 12,000 miles on my car this year alone for trips for AJs procedures. That doesn’t even count local doctor appointments and labs. The miles that I put on for work are absolutely nothing compared to the miles for medical treatment.

Aside from basic maintenance, she’s made all these trips carrying hundreds of pounds of equipment without a fuss — which in fairness is better than I’ve done.

4. The support of friends, family, friends who have become family, strangers who have become friends… and more.

Not every family is as blessed as we are with such an amazing support network.

I don’t ever, ever want to take for granted those who stand beside and behind us.

Family, friends, classmates, coworkers, first responders, doctors, nurses, therapists, support group buddies and even strangers on the internet have supported us in so many different ways.

AJ and his first home nurse.
Photo Credit: Monroe+Co

Never understimate the impact you can make with a simple text, message or comment to let someone know you’re in their corner.

Basically it boils down to this – if you’re reading this, I am so. freaking. grateful for you.

5. Medical advancements and those families who have chosen to help make the impossible, possible.

Families have to make the decision to try new and innovative procedures. Doctors have to apply for grants and complete years of tests and studies to show progress and keep the funds coming in to support their work.

When someone unfortunately doesn’t recover or passes away unexpectedly, decisions have to be made about willed body donation and/or organ donation, and the need is high.

Current US Wait List by Organ Type as of 11/27/2019

Source: Organ Procurement and Transplant Network

Medical advancements are amazing, wonderful things, but they wouldn’t be possible without stories full of hard work, heartache, and many tears.

I’m beyond thankful for those who blazed these trails before us, and pray that we will be even a fraction as helpful for those who come after us.