Time to Rest and Heal

This morning AJ has been weaned off his nitric and his oxygen rate has been dropped down to 21% – which means he’s getting the same percentage of oxygen as we get when we are breathing “room air”. The hope is we can try to extubate early this week. We were told to expect a failed attempt or two before he decides he’s okay with it, but thus far he’s doing well.

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Last night he decided he wasn’t a fan of having food in his digestive tract just yet, so after getting around 7cc of milk throughout the day, his feedings were stopped at 9 pm and he got a dose of morphine to help calm him down and get some sleep. It’s not unexpected for him to have a hard time and need food introduced slowly, so we will try again on the feeds in a couple of days.

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Tomorrow they will most likely take out some of his IV ports tomorrow so he has a few less tubes attached to him.

Aside from that, today is meant to be a day of rest and healing for him, hopefully it will be for the rest of us too.