Walmart Misadventure

I popped into walmart over my lunch break today for some meds and a couple of things I needed — I was headed to Target, until some jerk cut me off, and rather than drive in a circle and go back to Target I decided I would *try* walmart again.

Everything was going fine – I got all my stuff, didn’t run into any creeps, and I had enough time to make a pitstop for the potty…

Then I got locked in the bathroom stall. The original door lock had been broken so someone had taken it upon themselves to install a new one up higher. It closed just fine, but after I was done using the toilet, I couldn’t get the latch back open. I cut my finger on one of the screws trying (just a poke, but I bleed FOREVER on a little poke with the meds I’m on!).

Just before I conceded to crawling under the stall door, a family walked in. I thought I had better wait for them to leave before making an idiot of myself, and in the meantime tried using my purse handles to loop around the lock and pull/shake it loose. Eventually I broke out, only to find that someone had stolen my cart and I had to redo all my shopping (thankfully just a couple of items, but still!)

Checkout lines were also hellishly long too, but I suppose that was to be expected during an “OMG ITS GONNA SNOW” sort of day… but locking myself in the bathroom? That was a first… I guess I should just be thankful that in the end I didn’t have to crawl under the door…

One things for sure though — I’m going back to Target next time….