We Have A Thumb Sucker!

The exciting news of the week is that AJ has figured out how to get his thumb into his mouth! He did scratch his face in the process of learning though. Now the challenge is finding a way to get a picture of him without it in his mouth, and making sure his vent tubes are out of the way so he can get his hand to his mouth.

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He’s on a 7 day course of antibiotics, but his fever hasn’t returned since they were started. Today we are once again starting to test out some different vent settings to determine how much support he really needs and are changing his feedings up a little more to work towards bolus feeds (getting meals in a short amount of time from his pump instead of continuously).

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Other than that, mom and dad both took part in a trach change this week – it’s really not so bad, and we are hanging out and working on playing and growing!!

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