The last week or so has been a whirlwind of wedding planning. For those who may be unaware, Aaron and I had been planning on getting married in Puerto Rico on leap day and taking the kids and our friends with us. Those plans obviously changed when AJ was born. We considered cancelling, but decided that we really preferred to have AJ here with us, he’s not promised tomorrow (none of us are really) and the next leap year is yet another 4 years out. So we opted to take the plunge and on Monday will be exchanging our vows in the hospital before heading out to celebrate with the rest of our friends and family. Needless to say, there’s been a lot of planning going on since we hadn’t really intended on a full blown wedding/reception and had to fit everything in using our original budget.

So when AJ spiked a temp a few days ago and had to do another round of antibiotics, we weren’t thrilled, though it was timed well enough that he will be off of them in time for the wedding. And when it came up a couple of days ago that AJ needed to have a cath done on Friday, we were even less thrilled.
He needs to have it though – his next surgery should be pretty soon, and will be back out at CHOP. They can’t get to planning and scheduling that without the data from the cath, and the last thing we need is for AJ to end up with another infection or other illness that delays our ability to do the cath and sets everything back. It really is the best time to do it, even if the thought of a procedure right before the wedding makes my nerves go crazy.

Needless to say, tomorrow’s plans of dress fittings and dessert baking have been rescheduled in favor of extra pre-cath snuggles and anxious pacing in his room awaiting his return, the results and ultimately feedback from CHOP.

It’s been a while since we’ve asked, but please keep AJ in your prayers — we could use all the prayers we could get that his cath goes smoothly and we’re able to move on to his next surgical procedure at CHOP without any major issues. 💕