Wires, Tubes, and Lines are on their way out soon!

By this time tomorrow, hopefully AJ will no longer have all of the extra tubes and lines that he acquired post surgery. As it stands, unless something changes, AJs chest tube, RA lines, pacing wires, and arterial line will all come out tomorrow. He will still have his trach, his PICC line, his pulse ox, and his respiratory and heart rate leads – but that’s what he had before we arrived. So we will be pretty much back to baseline.

He has one more set of meds that need adjusted so he can come off the IV milrinone, but hopefully that will be done shortly too.

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He also hasn’t progressed to being able to be off of the vent yet. We tried his HME today, and he only tolerated about 30 minutes before he started breathing rapidly and we ended up putting him back on the vent. Hopefully it’s just a matter of time before he will get back there.

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Camera angles can be misleading – he’s still pretty hooked up here…

Thank you for all of the continued thoughts and prayers, they’re definitely working. 💕