“Your Son is Stable Now, but he Coded…”

Today I went to the DMV to get my ID updated. When I was leaving and heading back to the hospital I got a call that I hope I never get again, but I know deep down that this is likely not the last time that AJ will put us all on red alert.

AJ pulled his trach out. As a result his oxygen levels dropped, and his heart rate. When his heart rate dropped below 60 they had to begin compressions. (I’ve learned now to ask how low his heart rate got – when I got the call I assumed it had stopped). The compressions lasted for less than a minute.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping and closeup
Red marks on his chest from compressions. Arm
Pinned down to keep him from moving and messing up the blood pressure readings. 

Once they were able to get his trach back in and his vent on he started to improve. They gave him some epinephrine to help his heart work and increased the support on the vent. They also gave him some meds to help him relax and rest and ease any pain. They thankfully didn’t have to give him any paralytics. He did have some blood pressure issues afterwards, but they were resolved after getting fluids.

When I got to the hospital he was a little out of it from the meds still. But he was jumpy and you could just tell he was scared. The blood pressure cuff was set to go off every 10 minutes and he’d jump everytime it inflated, which he should be used to by now. 💔 After a little while of holding moms hand and me petting his head he went back to sleep, where I hope he stays for the rest of the night.

Image may contain: one or more people, baby and closeup

AJ was supposed to be going in for a heart cath tomorrow, ironically they had stopped his trach ring trials (time off the vent and just on oxygen) so he could rest up before the cath. I don’t know if AJ was just mad he wasn’t getting his time off the vent, or if this was his way of telling us he needs a few more days before his cath, but either way it looks like tomorrow’s procedure will likely be postponed.

We appreciate all the love and prayers, especially those that we don’t have to go through this again, that he’s able to get back to where he was on the vent again, and that when we do reschedule his cath procedure that the outcome is great and we will be able to begin planning his next surgery.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping, baby and closeup